OV Explorers After School Provision

OV Explorers After School Provision


The OV Explorers after school provision is available for children from Reception to Year 6, from 3.15pm until 5pm. 


To use this facility you must initially register your child with the school office.  Please contact us on 01271 375074 or email orchardvale@ventrus.org.uk for more information.


Payment is required in advance and paid through Parentpay at a cost of £7 per child, per day.


‘At OV Explorers we like to provide a variety of activities to suit every child’s interests/age. 


We make sure the children have fun in a safe environment with plenty of fresh air.


Activities we offer are:


Forest schools              Crafts              Science explorations            Cooking       Relaxing and social time


All children receive a snack at the beginning of the session, which they all enjoy!


Mrs May    Miss Passmore    Mrs Roberts’