Edukids Assembly

Edukids Assembly


On Tuesday, Year 4 spent the morning finding out about the African country of

Uganda, including how the Edukid organisation raises funds to provide sustainable   energy sources and education to the families and children there.  


In the afternoon, Sophie from Edukid came to talk to KS1 and KS2 about the amazing work Edukid does in Uganda.  She then worked with Years 5 and 6, teaching them Acholi - the language spoken by the children at Koch Goma School in Gulu,



Orchard Vale School sponsors two children from Koch Goma - Daniel and Elizabeth.  The generous fundraising from the families at Orchard Vale make it possible for Daniel and Elizabeth to have an education.  Last year, some of the children from Orchard Vale met some of the children from Koch Goma via Zoom - it was lovely for the children to share their interests and facts about themselves.  We hope to set up another Zoom meeting early in 2023.