Hampton Court Palace - Years 5 and 6

Years 5 and 6 visit to Hampton Court Palace


On Tuesday, 60 children, from Years 5 and 6, had the opportunity to visit Hampton Court Palace in London.


We got to school at 6.15am in the morning and met in the courtyard for registration.  It took us 4 and a half hours to get there but it was definitely worth the journey.


When we got to the Palace we had a short introduction and split into two groups.  The first group had a guided tour of the Tudor kitchens then we explored the maze and ended with our own freestyle guided tour of the

palace and prithee gardens, when we went into the haunted gallery and some of us talked to some colleagues who said that the double black wooden doors opened by themselves.


We discovered that one of the paintings was on loan to Buckingham Palace.


It was a long day but we all learnt a lot and it was worth going and would definitely go again.


By Larisa and Lettie