

Our school fully supports the Equality Act 2010 and strives to ensure that everything done in school is fair, non-discriminatory and does not put individuals or groups at a disadvantage. In particular, we try to ensure that we do not discriminate, harass or victimise a pupil or potential pupil in relation to:

  • admissions;
  • the way we provide education for pupils;
  • excluding a pupil or subjecting them to other disadvantage

In accordance with the Act, we do not discriminate or treat a pupil less favourably because of their:

  • disability;
  • race;
  • religion or belief;
  • sex;
  • sexual orientation.

In addition to the above ‘protected characteristics’ the following also apply to employees of the school:

  • age;
  • marriage and civil partnership;
  • pregnancy and maternity;
  • gender reassignment.

As part of the Equality Act, schools must comply with the Equality Duty. This means that when we are making decisions or developing policies, we consciously think about how we:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
  • advance equality of opportunity;
  • foster good relations.

Equality Objectives:

  1. To narrow the gap in attainment between groups of boys and girls
  2. To improve the attendance of persistently absent and persistently late children
  3. Improve knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable children to appreciate and value difference and diversity
  4. Monitor and track incidents of bullying, prejudice and racism, including reporting incidents to the local authorityReviewing the common themes, using data to understand the link between incidents and irregular attendance, and adjust our curriculum and intervention in response.
  5. To provide a supportive and inclusive working environment for all, actively promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

The implementation and impact of these objectives will be monitored by the board of directors through:

  • Reviewing pupil progress and attainment for different sub-groups (e.g. individual schools, boys vs girls, FSM, SEN and Children in Care).
  • Receiving reports from the Academy CEO, Directors of School Improvement, Head teacher, SENDCo and school administrators.
  • Receiving reports from monitoring visits and ethos committees.
  • Taking advice from relevant parties such as the Trust HR provider and Devon Admissions team.