Years 3 - Multi Sports Festival

17th October 2023

Year 3 – North Devon Multi-Sports Festival – Tuesday, 17th October


As part of our commitment to sports at Orchard Vale we will be taking all of our Year 3 children to Park School to participate in the North Devon Multi-Sports Festival on Tuesday, 17th October. 


This is a fun event where the children will have the opportunity to take part in various activities on a round robin basis alongside other Primary School in North Devon. 


We will be travelling to and from Park School by coach.  Please could we ask that the children arrive at school by 8.45am as we will be leaving Orchard Vale at 9am to travel to Park School. 


The event is scheduled to finish at approximately 12.30pm so the children will need to bring a packed lunch to school that day.  If you would like to book and pay for a school packed lunch (ham roll, crisps, fruit and cake), children can do this during morning registration.     


The children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit and trainers that morning.  They might like to wear navy jogging bottoms/leggings if the weather is colder as the activities will be outside.  They should also bring:-


Drink in named, plastic container              Packed lunch                Coat      


In the event of unsuitable weather, the organisers will let us know before registration of any cancellation.  If your child is asthmatic, please ensure we have up to date medication in school prior to the event.