Year 1 Exmoor Zoo

27th February 2024
Year 1 Trip to Exmoor Zoo – Tuesday, 27th February 2024


We are very excited about the Year 2 trip to Exmoor Zoo on Monday.


Please could the children arrive in school in time for 8.50am registration.  The coach will be leaving promptly at 9am.


Please could you ensure the children dress for the weather conditions on the day.  They will need to:


  • wear school uniform tops (polo shirt and jumper)

  • they can wear their own trousers/jogging bottoms (we would recommend something warm and preferably not jeans).

  • sensible/comfortable shoes (we will be doing a lot of walking and it may be wet)

  • a coat warm hat/gloves

  • a packed lunch (if you have pre-ordered a school packed lunch this will be provided). 

  • plenty to drink in a labelled, plastic bottle

  • a small backpack


If your child is likely to suffer from travel sickness or need asthma medication, could you please hand this to the school office before the trip with the appropriate completed green Medical Permission Form.


We will be arriving back at school for the normal end of school day.