Christmas Festivities at Orchard Vale

1st December 2024

Christmas celebrations at Orchard Vale


Wednesday, 11th December - 10.30am to 11.30am


Some years 5/6 children to sing carols at the Barnstaple Library.


Thursday, 12th December – 9am to 1.30pm


Beauty and the Beast Panto - Selected children.

More information will be sent to parents of those attending.


Friday, 13th December - 9am to 10am


Rocksteady End of term concert – Only parents of performers are invited to attend.


Friday, 13th December – 2.30pm


KS2 carols in the playground.


Allocation of places for all performances/assemblies

Initially 2 places allocated per child, under 3 year old siblings to sit on laps of parents.

Any spaces left nearer the dates will be made available



Monday, 16th December - 9.30am

(Coffee Cabin open for drinks 9am-9.30am)

Doors open 9.15am for audience

to take their seats.


KS2 Christmas Assembly in the hall.


Places bookable via Teams only.



Monday, 16th December - 2pm

Doors open 1.45pm for audience

to take their seats.


KS1 and Reception performance in the hall.


Places bookable through class teacher only.




Tuesday, 17th December - 9.30am

(Coffee Cabin open for drinks 9am-9.30am)

(Doors open 9.15am for audience

to take their seats.


KS1 and Reception Performance in the hall.


Places bookable through class teacher only.



Tuesday, 17th December - 2.30pm

Doors open 2.15pm for audience

to take their seats.


KS2 Christmas Assembly in the hall.


Places bookable via Teams only.



Nursery / Little Seeds

We will be filming the children's performances and putting this on Tapestry

for parents to enjoy.


Wednesday, 18th December - Xmas Dinner - Christmas Jumper Day.

(Dinners must have been pre-booked by 27th November)


Wednesday, 18th December—Winter Ball

(places bookable through Parentpay)


Friday, 20th December - Non uniform day.