Years 5/6 - Qualifier - Sports Hall Athletics North

14th January 2020

North Devon round of the sports hall athletics


Leisure Centre



Tuesday, 14th January


Our team performed brilliantly at the sports hall athletics festival in November finishing in 2nd place.


We have been invited to send our team to the Leisure Centre on Tuesday, 14th January for the North Devon round with Sticklepath School.


We will be travelling to and from the Leisure Centre on the Orchard Vale minibus, departing at 9am and will be returning in time for the normal end of day.


Children will need to come to school wearing their PE Kit, school sweatshirt and trainers bringing a packed lunch and a drink in a named/plastic bottle. 


If your child suffers from asthma and may require to take this during the event please could you ensure that this is in school and in date on the day of the event, together with the appropriate medical forms.